You want to automate your marketing and process CI-compliant advertising materials online? brandQ, the innovative branding solution from CloudLab, makes it possible—flexibly scalable and optimally tailored to your needs.
Hosting, features and layout can be customized specifically to your company's needs.
The intuitive brandQ editor and the 3D and live preview guarantee successful advertising materials all around.
Print and order data can be sent automatically to suppliers once assigned.
Whether a local ordering portal for niche products or a global player, brandQ is scalable for any size of company.
We don't believe in standard solutions. brandQ stands for custom-fit solutions at all levels. That's why we provide you with everything from a single source—from technology to implementation to support.
printQ enables complete automation: All orders are checked directly after the configuration process and then enter your company's production workflow. Your store system can also be integrated seamlessly, and our marketing automation tool helps you retain customers.